My Life is My Masterpiece

Escrito el: January 9, 2024 por Zulmara Maria

“Every human has only one genuine vocation, to find the way to themselves… Their task is to discover their own destiny, not an arbitrary one, and live it out wholly and resolutely within themselves. Everything else is only a would be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity, and fear of one’s own inwardness.”
Herman Hesse
Herman Hesse captures the essence of a life lived in concert with our destiny so eloquently. It is our vocation to find the way to ourselves as we live the life we were meant to live. As we discover our destiny, we also leave our message, our imprint, our legacy in this world.
In this guided journal, I work to uncover my vocation, my legacy, my purpose. I realize that my destiny is to weave the principles that are important to me, the values that are central to my life, and the talents I was given into the daily fabric of my life. My unique mission in life is to be the change I want to see, to set an example of what can be, to make a difference as I contribute to the overall good. As I realize my soul’s purpose, I question what is my niche, what is my unique space, how do I take advantage of the opportunities placed on my path, in order to leave my mark on this earth.
As I try to determine which threads run through my essence and connect me to my life’s energy, I realize that the patterns of my life help to define the very heart of what is important to me and what I want to accomplish. My avocation becomes my vocation as work and deed become one (Robert Frost), as I am guided to reach new levels of hope, purpose and love. Drawing upon the strength of my purpose, I focus my efforts on the events, activities, and efforts that will allow me to set an example as I choose the person I wish to be.

Check out My Life is My Masterpiece on AMAZON.

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