Our Blog

Understanding and Appreciating Thankfulness
Understanding and appreciating thankfulness is a key component in helping you realize your dreams, change your life’s circumstances, and live the life you desire. Being “thankful” for all of the gifts and blessings you have been given provides a foundation for you to build on and opens doors for the dreams and gifts you are […]
View EnterCelebrating and Embracing Gratitude
Congratulations!!! Today you start on a path of Celebrating and Embracing Gratitude as a way of life. What you will find is that gratitude is a game changer. Once you start celebrating what is right with your life and enjoying the blessings that have come your way, you cannot help but experience a profound transformation […]
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Establishing and Developing a Grateful Life
Gratitude, in all things, is at the cornerstone of establishing and developing a life that is purpose driven, fulfilling, satisfying, enjoyable, and filled with rewards. Gratitude and appreciation for what you have been given, regardless of how small, insignificant, or trivial helps propel you into state of recognizing and feeling the angelic goodness that is […]
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Accepting and Honoring Your Blessings
Blessings come to us in many ways and in many different forms. Blessings are those times, activities, and experiences that fill us with joy and exuberance, when our soul and our spirit meet as one and we think out loud, “I am truly blessed.” Blessings are also our trials and tribulations. The times and moments […]
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