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My Life is My Masterpiece
“Every human has only one genuine vocation, to find the way to themselves… Their task is to discover their own destiny, not an arbitrary one, and live it out wholly and resolutely within themselves. Everything else is only a would be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, […]
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The inspirational poems from the ABRAZOS of Gratitude andAppreciation series are a collection of the poems that guide thetimeliness of the messages that are contained therein. Thepoems in this series are beautifully written to compliment theeach of the books and the themes of the books. However, theyalso stand alone with their own message of gratitude, […]
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Fostering and Encouraging Appreciation
Encouraging loving thanks today and everyday!!! Fostering and encouraging an attitude of gratitude and appreciation in your life, will help make this the BEST time ever to be alive and will give new meaning to the phrase, “the BEST is yet to come.” As you are fostering an attitude of gratitude that is deep, genuine, […]
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Manifesting and Dreaming with Gratitude
Manifesting your dreams is the key to living the life you imagine, aspire to, and desire. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the gifts, the miracles, and the marvels that the universe has to offer. Gratitude is foundational and fundamental to manifesting dreams because, “It is not happy people who are THANKFUL, it is THANKFUL […]
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