Zulmara Maria https://zulmaramaria.com Zulmara Maria Tue, 09 Jan 2024 02:13:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5 https://zulmaramaria.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/fzulmara-150x150.ico Zulmara Maria https://zulmaramaria.com 32 32 My Life is My Masterpiece https://zulmaramaria.com/my-life-is-my-masterpiece/ https://zulmaramaria.com/my-life-is-my-masterpiece/#respond Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:59:27 +0000 https://zulmaramaria.com/?p=255 “Every human has only one genuine vocation, to find the way to themselves… Their task is to discover their own destiny, not an arbitrary one, and live it out wholly and resolutely within themselves. Everything else is only a would be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity, and fear of one’s own inwardness.”
Herman Hesse
Herman Hesse captures the essence of a life lived in concert with our destiny so eloquently. It is our vocation to find the way to ourselves as we live the life we were meant to live. As we discover our destiny, we also leave our message, our imprint, our legacy in this world.
In this guided journal, I work to uncover my vocation, my legacy, my purpose. I realize that my destiny is to weave the principles that are important to me, the values that are central to my life, and the talents I was given into the daily fabric of my life. My unique mission in life is to be the change I want to see, to set an example of what can be, to make a difference as I contribute to the overall good. As I realize my soul’s purpose, I question what is my niche, what is my unique space, how do I take advantage of the opportunities placed on my path, in order to leave my mark on this earth.
As I try to determine which threads run through my essence and connect me to my life’s energy, I realize that the patterns of my life help to define the very heart of what is important to me and what I want to accomplish. My avocation becomes my vocation as work and deed become one (Robert Frost), as I am guided to reach new levels of hope, purpose and love. Drawing upon the strength of my purpose, I focus my efforts on the events, activities, and efforts that will allow me to set an example as I choose the person I wish to be.

Check out My Life is My Masterpiece on AMAZON.

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THE POEMS https://zulmaramaria.com/the-poems/ https://zulmaramaria.com/the-poems/#respond Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:27:43 +0000 https://zulmaramaria.com/?p=231 The inspirational poems from the ABRAZOS of Gratitude and
Appreciation series are a collection of the poems that guide the
timeliness of the messages that are contained therein. The
poems in this series are beautifully written to compliment the
each of the books and the themes of the books. However, they
also stand alone with their own message of gratitude, blessing,
appreciation, and thankfulness.
As you enjoy these poems, keep them handy to read in times of
contrast, growth, joy, and contentment. In these poems you
will find a timeless message of hope, transformation,
understanding and gratitude. Gratitude for all you have been
gifted. Appreciation for all you have created. Thankfulness for
all of the miracles that have graced your life.
It is truly a collection to inspire us to live our best lives, be our
best selves, enjoy our forever moments, and bask in the
miracle of just being ALIVE!!!
Con un pan y cafecito,
Seguimos adelante
Zulmara Maria

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Fostering and Encouraging Appreciation https://zulmaramaria.com/fostering-and-encouraging-appreciation/ https://zulmaramaria.com/fostering-and-encouraging-appreciation/#respond Wed, 13 Sep 2023 02:26:19 +0000 https://zulmaramaria.com/?p=198 Encouraging loving thanks today and everyday!!!

Fostering and encouraging an attitude of gratitude and appreciation in your life, will help make this the BEST time ever to be alive and will give new meaning to the phrase, “the BEST is yet to come.”

As you are fostering an attitude of gratitude that is deep, genuine, and authentic, give loving thanks, today and everyday for all of the blessings, moments, experiences, and activities that have come your way. As you are fostering this notion that gratitude makes a big difference in how you perceive, experience, and understand life, giving thanks often will help create a sense of inner peace and contentment.

By giving thanks to all of your ancestors that have made all of this possible, you are activating your very cell memories that are a part of your ancestral DNA. The memories that have been passed down for years and are yours for accessing whenever you decide to activate them. Oftentimes, silence, meditation, and gratitude are the precursors to stirring up those memories and the guidance they provide in your daily life.

This is why people will say that mediation provides breakthroughs and guidance for what to do next. Meditation allows us to calm the mind, stop the pinging of the our brain neurons, and gives us a chance to access the knowledge, advice, and guidance that are stored in our DNA.

Give thanks for all the blessings, serendipities, and miracles that make up the moments in your life. Life is full of blessings, miracles, and magic that touch us and take our breath away.

Appreciate the magic. See it and it appears. Feel it and it manifests. Touch it and it is yours. Hear it and it moves you. Taste it and you remember!!! Yes, embrace life’s magic and love your authentically grateful life.

Check out the YouTube video: Fostering and Appreciating

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Manifesting and Dreaming with Gratitude https://zulmaramaria.com/five-articule/ https://zulmaramaria.com/five-articule/#respond Fri, 18 Aug 2023 22:16:53 +0000 http://localhost:3000/?p=67 Manifesting your dreams is the key to living the life you imagine, aspire to, and desire. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the gifts, the miracles, and the marvels that the universe has to offer. Gratitude is foundational and fundamental to manifesting dreams because, “It is not happy people who are THANKFUL, it is THANKFUL people who are happy.” And, it is happy people who are manifesting their dreams and desires and feel that life is AWESOME, worth living, fun, and FANTASTIC.

This is not a chicken and egg issue, we know what comes first, first you are thankful for what you have and then you dream of what you want and it comes to fruition. All who claim that the law of attraction works for them, all who say they are mini-manifesters, all who proclaim that they are in the vortex…are also appreciative and grateful for the life they are living and the direction of their journey.

They understand the baby steps and take them willingly and fearlessly. They comprehend that the end result is only an illusion. They know that only in being grateful for what is and the joys and blessings it brings can they get to what can be. They know it is all about the moment…so be grateful for the moments in life that make up the life of your dreams.

https://zulmaramaria.com/five-articule/feed/ 0
Understanding and Appreciating Thankfulness https://zulmaramaria.com/fourt-artiucle/ https://zulmaramaria.com/fourt-artiucle/#respond Fri, 18 Aug 2023 22:14:50 +0000 http://localhost:3000/?p=65 Understanding and appreciating thankfulness is a key component in helping you realize your dreams, change your life’s circumstances, and live the life you desire. Being “thankful” for all of the gifts and blessings you have been given provides a foundation for you to build on and opens doors for the dreams and gifts you are manifesting. Being in appreciation for what you have helps to change the vibe you are putting out to others and it changes their reaction to you. This is an iterative process that offers you an opportunity to put out a positive vibe and have others respond in kind. And, the great benefit is, when they respond in kind, you are more likely to respond in kind and stay at that positive vibe, creating a positive feedback loop.

This feedback loop is a cycle of positivity you create when you understand the role that being in a state of gratitude plays in your life and in the interactions you have with others. You will soon start seeing the impact, because, not only do you impact yourself, but you impact others as well. So you being positive releases positive vibes that are followed up by positive vibes.

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